Thursday, November 18, 2004

NICU Day 44

Virginia is 3 lbs 9 ounces and Reid is 2 lbs 9 ounces today. The doctors are trying to introduce Virginia to the bottle and breastfeeding. We only try once a day as this is a major event for her. I am thrilled to report that she has latched onto my breast for two days now! It is the most amazing feeling to have her breastfeed. I am so proud of her. She will continue to receive the majority of her daily feedings through her feeding tube that goes through her nose. Reid is doing well. He is still alternating from CPAP and nasal canula. He is improving and getting stronger. Both babies had their eyes checked again and still great news of no damage. They will be checked again before they come home. Please continue to pray for their development and no infection. We are covered in prayer and truly feel the effect of it. Thank you so much to everyone for their outpour of support, encouragement and prayers. We pray that God will touch each of your lives as we enter into the Thanksgiving season.
-Sally Thomas


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