Tuesday, November 02, 2004

NICU Day 29

Reid and Virginia are gaining weight! Virginia is now up to 2 lbs 10 oz and Reid is 1 lb 15 oz (almost 2 lbs!). The doctors are very pleased with their weight progress. Tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov 3) is a big day for the twins. Their eyes will be screened for possible damage due to their early delivery and small size. Please say a prayer that no major damage has been done and that we will be at peace while awaiting the results. Chris is adjusting to being back at work. He looks forward to the end of the day so he can see the babies. Tonight we both held Reid and read Dr. Seuss to him. I also was able to snuggle on Virginia a bit. We are so thankful to God for the blessings we receive each day from our miracles.


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