Friday, October 29, 2004

NICU Day 24

Reid and Virginia did well yesterday. Virginia is now in preemie clothes (see picture). We've included a picture of Virginia with Mom's arm for size reference. They are both alternating between nasal cannula and CPAP (pressure mask) without too much difficulty. If they continue to do well, and are able to breath without additional help and stimulation, then they will be moved to a "step-down unit" or intermediate unit for just feeding and growing. This probably won't happen for a few weeks though. Otherwise, we are praying for their vision and hearing tests in a couple of weeks to go well. Reid is at particularly high risk of retinopathy of prematurity based on his size. Thanks to everyone for their continued support and prayers. I'm returning to work on Monday and Sally will take over the site update role. My work has been amazing this month in letting me spend this time with my wife and children.
- Chris and Sally Thomas


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