Saturday, October 23, 2004

NICU Day# 18

Virginia's spinal tap was negative for infection and she is responding well to antibiotics for the infection in her bloodstream. She is doing fairly well but continues to have apnea of prematurity at times, as does her brother Reid. This is a fairly common deal with preemies where they just "forget to breath" for a few seconds and require stimulation. They tell me this is something they grow out of with time. Reid is having some issues with reflux because of the short distance between his mouth and stomach so he is sleeping with his head elevated. The good news is that they are both still taking in feeds pretty well and Virginia hasn't required any CPAP (pressure oxygen through a mask) for some time. We continue to pray for our babies to grow and to fight infection during this critical time in their NICU stay. Thanks to everyone for their prayers, thoughts, and support.
- Chris Thomas


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