Sunday, October 17, 2004

NICU Day 13 Update

Reid and Virginia did well yesterday. Reid is being alternated between CPAP (a mask that helps push oxygen into his lungs) and plain-old nasal oxygen without pressure. Virginia has not been requiring CPAP now for about 4 days. Both are not back to birth weight, yet, but they are receiving enteral (via stomach) feeds along with parenteral (intravenous) nutrition. We are praying for them to continue to improve and to avoid infection in the NICU. They will have eye and ear tests down the road, along with repeat brain ultrasounds in a few weeks. We appreciate everyone's continued prayers and support. Following is a passage that I read to my wife during the end of our 3 1/2 years of infertility treatments -

"Looking back you will see that every step was planned. Leave all to Me. Each stone in the mosaic fits into the perfect pattern, designed by the Master Artist. It is all so wonderful. But the colors are of heaven's hues, so that your eyes could not bear to gaze on the whole until you are beyond the veil. So, stone by stone, you see and trust the pattern to the Designer."

- Chris and Sally Thomas


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