Monday, November 15, 2004

Monday, November 15, 2004

The Twins have had an eventful last few days. Virginia was moved to Intermediate Care ("step-down") Unit last Thursday and is doing well. She is on nasal cannula and gets intermittent bolus feeds through her feeding tube. She has graduated to a "crib" (a bassinet). This is because she has kept her body temperature regulated for a long period of time. Reid was moved briefly to Intermediate Care but had to go back to the NICU because of desaturations (low oxygen levels) on the nasal cannula. He has been on CPAP (oxygen "mask" which gives some pressure) since returning to the NICU and seems to be improving. Both are gaining weight appropriately. Reid weighs 2 lbs 6 ounces and Virginia 3 pounds 6 ounces. Overall, they are both doing well and we are so thankful for their improvement and for everyone's prayers and support.
- Chris and Sally Thomas


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